Modern Gazetteer

modern gazeteer







PROJECT: Modern Gazetteer
LOCATION: Birmingham
COLLABORATORS: BA (Hons) Architecture Students and BA (Hons) Art & Design Students

“The city of modern architecture (it may also be called the modern city) has not yet been built”
-from introduction to ‘Collage City’ by Rowe, C. and Koetter, F.

A collaborative project was developed with the School of Architecture students and students from the School of Art.

Birmingham’s city motto is ‘Forward’, appropriate for a city that constantly seeks to reinvent itself as the latest idea of ‘urban’. Students were encouraged to work cross-discipline, broadening their design horizons and taking inspiration from research texts, including academic, poetic and fictional writing, photographs, videos, and archives to produce responses to the ideology of ‘the city’ in its broadest sense, to advance the critical debate around the past, present and future of the city and seeking to place value on what is often seen as ‘sacrificial’.

Outcomes were developed using a range of media including Architectural interventions, Film/Video Installations, Audio responses, Photography, Performance pieces and Literature. The students were supported by practitioners from Glenn Howells Architects, Birmingham.

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